Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) Ministry Focus

Aotearoa, New Zealand is truly “a slice of heaven on earth”

If anything, authentic happens globally, it may have already happened in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Our nation has played an integral role on the world stage for centuries, whether in sport, scientific inventions, social-political activism, multi-media entertainment, science discoveries, in musical or multi-faceted cultural change and religious expression.

Whether all New Zealanders are aware, or not, the normal life enjoyed by us in this nation has taken remarkable change since July 2019. The Covid-19 flu pandemic.  A phenomenon and universal altering event.

Aotearoa, New Zealand is a hardy, pioneering nation, small in population and size, undeniably the envy of nations afar off. Most nations are dogged by over-population, extreme poverty, ravaged by war and unspeakable inhumane atrocities due to warring factions and political unrest as in the Middle-Eastern nations or parts of Russia and Ukraine.

Our nation is geographically the most isolated land mass in the world. It is not densely populated with an estimated population of over 5 million people. The scenery and landscapes are picturesque and breathtakingly stunning. For better or for worse, we are surrounded by oceans and oceans on all sides, the South Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea. An analogy comes to mind as I saw Aotearoa NZ like two large logs and a small block at the bottom floating in a huge bathtub.

Aotearoa, New Zealand was led by a left wing led Labour run government led by Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins, from 26 October 2017 until 27 November 2023. Their origins hail from the formation of a coal mine union in 1935 in the West Coast town of Brunton, Blackball that merged with a Wellington communist led union. The National Party a right-wing political party share governing powers with NZ First and The Act Party. This country is experiencing astounding changes in all sectors of society at such a pace it is both refreshing and awe-inspiring. May we settle swiftly.

The New Zealand anthem is more poignant now than ever before, “God Defend New Zealand” is a prophetic anthem as no one back in time could have ever known how important those words mean to every “kiwi” alive today as you read the rest of this website.

Prophets activate the divine plans for us all who seek Him. however, t is God who directs and establishes our path. They will discern sharply the moving political, socio economic and spiritual shifts.

Step up, true and called-out, prophet and prophetesses. Decree and declare God’s to all New Zealanders in according to the Bible (Deuteronomy 28:1-13). Nothing will happen until prophets first reveal insights.

“Surely the Lord will do nothing but He revealeth His secret unto His servant the prophets.” (Amos 3:7).

“Thou (a prophet, a believer) shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee” (Job 22 verse 28).

The divine order is an Apostle and a Prophet or Prophetess, together or in coherent order, release the Word of God that powerfully catalytically releases the seed that ushers in a powerful Spiritual Awakening. The remaining three ministries (Evangelist, Teacher, Pastor) flow with impactful speed and growth.

The most important questions I ask:

Is your name in the Book of Life? Are you born again? Do you know Jesus Christ died and rose again, for you and I to live eternally?  Do you know that God loves you and wants you to know His heart of unlimited love through His Son Jesus Christ? It is time now for you to surrender to Jesus Christ. Change your direction before you die an earthly death and suffer irreversible consequences. Where will you go after you die? We live eternally, whether in Hell or in Heaven. 

Prophet’s and Prophetesses, blow loud, your trumpets. Speak up now. People will thank you for obeying God.

Ko nga poropiti o mua me whakatangi te tetere. Korero mai inaianei.

Prophet’s and Prophetesses release the perfect words to seed hope, salvation, restoration and revival to this precious nation, Aotearoa New Zealand. The End-Time clock has been ticking since May 2018, when the USA Embassy was moved to Jerusalem, Israel. This agreement was signed and sealed between Donald John Trump and the Prime Minister of Israel. Read Daniel 9.

Read Ezekiel 14, Revelation 13-15; Psalms 46 & 126.

Seek God when you are most isolated, ignored, exiled, locked down, locked away, locked out and locked up. This nation and this world will never-ever be the same again. Look around you. What has changed?

“The Blessing Song from Aotearoa, New Zealand” 

This song was recorded with the support of 90 churches nation-wide, by Grant Norsworthy (August,2020).  A heart-warming, beautifully arranged song, that every listener will enjoy. Hear voices united, praising God is heaven on earth. How delightful.

Open Wide Your Eyes Aotearoa, New Zealand:

It is a special moment to receive a personal prophetic Word. Record, write down, and believe that, that word spoken by prophets and prophetesses over you. When a nation receives a Word, take note. Proportionately prophecies should be encouraging, giving an element of hope to you the recipient, or church gathering. Corporately, the nation should be activated to take heed and expect great things. Trust a confirmed prophetic Word and see it unfold, to become a reality.

The Founder of Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) Ministry:

Our past, background, ethnic origin, occupational status, looks, intellectual level, failings or successes, material possessions, bank balance, our car, cultural mix, natural gifting’s and talents, do not define who we are. Jesus Christ does.

I am Founder and Senior Leader of this ministry. This ministry originated from a revelation God graciously gave me, His daughter.

If you are reading this website out of curiosity, or a need unfulfilled, keep reading with an open mind, you may read something that may touch your heart. This is my prayer for you. You may have different core beliefs and values from mine. Open your heart.

My name is Jeana Aroha Harris, born in Rotorua, New Zealand, I married into a Coatian Yugoslav family from Matauri Bay, Northland. I am a descendant of Englishman and. Scotsman who was a main trader businessman called Christopher Harris and the paramount Ngapuhi Chief Rahiri’s’ daughter, Ngahuia. Harris betrothed the Chief’s daughter for commercial and protective purposes.

(This arrangement was commonplace between colonists and indigenous peoples throughout this nation, in the early 1800’s – mid-1900’s).

Both my parents are half-caste English/Sottish-Maori. Combined tribal affiliation of their union are Ngapuhi, Ngati Tuwharetoa, Te Arawa, Tuhoe, Tainui and Ngati Porou.  The Ratana movement, Ringatu, Anglican, Catholic and Chrisitan missionaries influenced Maori communities in the Far North and coastal towns in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Maori who converted to Christianity, walked in both “worlds.” The increase of foreigners from all over the world may experience similar struggles.

My passion and love for my country and cultural identity, is sincere, however, we read in the bible that we are a new creature and a new creation when we become Christians and give our heart to Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

A Christian Heritage

The Christian family-tree have a lengthy heritage backdating to Father Abraham – 144 generations in all. Far richer, powerful and profound than our natural heritage Our natural family tree (or whakapapa) is what it is, however, when we become Christians, we are all “new creature” as in 2 Corinthians 5 verse 17.

Know that we are adopted (or grafted) into the world-wide family of God. Old things are passed away, we are to be renewed in our mind and the Christian identity daily. We may not be biological Jews however we can claim the promises and blessings given to Father Abraham whom we are adopted and spiritual descendants.

Natural versus Spiritual Challenges

Be proud of who you are and where you have come from in the natural as God will use your humble diverse natural and spiritual experiences, to reach out to others who are like you, or opposite to you, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ His Son. We are to fight in the spirit not in our natural understanding.

“Despise not the days of small beginnings” (Zechariah 4 verse 10). God wastes nothing. Every precious thing about you was designed by Him. In Psalm 139 verse 15 it says you are created by Him. He really loves you and does not want you to go to hell.

“Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Faith-Joy Aaron (www.gatewayofjoy.co)

Listen to an insightful and timely prophetic word for all New Zealanders and the Christian community as we experience unprecedented challenges within our society in 2019 + due to a world-wide collapse of the economy of every nation on the face of the earth. Listen to what the Holy Spirit, showed Faith-Joy Aaron of Auckland, a member of Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) ministry since 2011.

I trust you are blessed by this prophetic Word.

Press on the red-heart to hear pod-cast

“Stir Up The Gift Within You”

The Vision

Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) ministry birthed in mid-October 2010, Okahu Bay, Auckland, under a large beautiful Pohutukawa tree. The wind blew strong that day as a large group of local believers and friends of mine met. The anointing flowed richly all afternoon. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit fell on us all.

Since this date, focus for this ministry has been primarily about strengthening and stirring up the gift of prophesy within all who attend (2 Timothy 1 verse 6).

A number of local and national Christian ministries have been activated from this humble market-place ministry. It has functioned as a long-standing, stable ministry over ten years, for God’s Glory and use.

I acknowledge every precious soul and many loyal, regular attendees over the years, who demonstrated what Paul the Apostle urged to the new Corinthian church, and that is, for every believer “to stir up the gift prophesy” that is within.

 It takes unbridled courage and faith, for anyone to step out and release the gift of prophesy. Activate it.  Step out and share what you “see and hear” God’s heart speaks to your heart. Obedience is sharing the words given to you to bless.

Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) Ministry’s Focus:

Aspires to create a loving meeting place of self-expression, joy and worship; a place where the lonely, sick, widows, strangers, friends and family can be nurtured and meet others for a few hours to share personal life experiences, both short and sweet. Activation of the prophetic in as many who attend is a focus.

Read “The Mark of the Christian,” by F.A. Schaefer due to the urgency that non-Christians will perish in the Fires of Hell, if they deny Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Resist getting the “Mark of the Beast” or “666 “which speaks of “false religion, false government, false bank system.”

Read the Book of Revelation 13, 14, 15, 16 and Daniel 9 for End Time references.

Hell Is Real

Review the late-Dargaville teacher preacher, Barry Smith’s writings (1970’s), on end-time teachings. May God speak to your heart. Hell is real. Sin is real. No one talks about sin or hell anymore. It is a destination after our natural death. Death, then judgment, then Heaven, or Hell. See Hebrews 9; 27. Knowing Jesus Christ is more real. It is eternal.

“For God did not spare even the angels who sinned. He threw them into hell; in gloomy pits of darkness, where they are being held until the day of judgment.” (2 Peter 2 verse 4). He will not spare human beings – who sin and refuse to repent.

God’s heart is forever toward the “enslaved, unsaved and lost.” We must as Christians, love each other in the faith, however we must love, non-believers more, as in 1 John verse 7,8. God does not want anyone to go to Hell. Loud and clear. Hell is not made, for humans. Least of all – you or me. Are you hearing me? Choose life.

Local Church Network and Connection is Healthy:

This ministry does not substitute a local church, it complements the local church community in unity. My local church is in Remuera, Auckland.

The market-place Auckland ministry is to serve every individual that attends, whether for friendship, love, a hug, a prayer, a prophetic word, ministering in small and big ways to provide and seek housing, to support during job loss or a WINZ application, support during family tragedies or trauma, and in many cases, support due to spiritual abuse.

The journey has been challenging and rewarding in many ways, much more than I have ever imagined or thought was possible. Miracles and incredible testimonies of many who have attended, return years later.

God’s love and presence grace’s this marketplace ministry. Many a testimony can be told. Persecution is never far from the ministry.

Simply put, every spiritual ministry is in vain, unless God lays the foundation, builds on it and prospers it (Psalm 127 verse 1).

Jesus is the only bridge to an eternal relationship with God. Please, repent of your sins. Believe and receive Jesus Christ into your heart. Don’t delay.

“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life.”

(John 3:16, King James Version)

The Marketplace Venue for Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) Ministry:

The Golden Arches. Greenlane MacDonald’s NZ Headquarters, 320-356 Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland (Phone 09-524-2651). Meet in the large room. Park Mac Donald restaurant end for free.

Health and Safety rules are fully complied. COVID-19 halted attendance for 18 months (January 2020-May 2022). Many could not attend due to choices we all made, that caused us to be separated from each other much of the time. God helped us stand.

Good health and safety always is paramount. Just remember, every choice we all make affects us, currently and eternally. There is no discrimination toward anyone, or judgment on anyone for their status during the lock down period that so shackled our nation and the world.

Overcomers and Encouragement

Above all let there be liberty and joy, music, fellowship and love be in the meetings. Entry is always free of charge.

“Koha” (a gift of money) will be taken for a Guest and occasionally to cover a minimal fee for use of public facilities. large gatherings always are held in Auckland Council venues or a local Presbyterian church.

As Senior Leader, I do not receive renumeration od government charitable grants. All monies are counted by two and given to the hand of Guests or a Visitor.

Heaven On Earth (Prophetic) Ministry Events (post-lockdown meetings)

Saturday, 16 July 2022 at 3.00 pm (Start 3.30 pm) Jeana Jurisich, Leader & guest speaker Jean Braid-Burney. Author of “Jesus In the Desert Tabernacle.” Venue – Greenlane Maccas Large Room. All welcome.

Saturday, 20 August 2022 at 3.30 pm-7.00 pm Guest Speaker, Prophet Len Butner (Eagleascend Ministry, Auckland). Venue – Greenlane Maccas Large Room. Koha taken.

Saturday, 17 September 2022 at 3.30 pm-6.00 pm Guest Speaker, Prophet Len Butner (Eagleascend Ministry, Auckland). Venue – Presbyterian Church, Greenlane, Auckland. Koha taken. All welcome.

Saturday, 22 October 2022 at 2.00 pm-4.00 pm. Guest Speaker, Prophet Jeremy Witherow (New Plymouth, Taranaki). Venue – RSA Memorial Hall, 489 Dominion Road, Mt Eden (Chamber Room). Koha taken. All welcome.

Saturday, 19 November 2022 at 2.00 pm-6.00 pm. A Special meeting for 2022. Guest Speaker, Prophet Len Butner (Eaglesascend Ministry, Auckland) at Greenlane Presbyterian Church, Great Sth Rod/Greenlane West opposite McDees. park at Public Trust building parks. Koha taken. All welcome.

Saturday, 10 December 2022 at 3.30 pm – 6.00 pm. Greenlane Maccas Large Room.

Saturday, 19 January 2023 at 9.00-12.00 pm – Kirrie Ave, Te Atatu, Pastor Illesia (Hine P event).

Saturday, 26 January 2023 at 10 am – Prophet Elijah (Elie) – Kirrie Ave, Te Atatu, Pastor Illesia (host)

Saturday, 11 February 2023 at 3.30 pm – 6.00 pm – 459 Dominion Rd, Mt Eden – Prophet Elijah

Wednesday, 15 February 2023 at 7.30 pm-9.00 pm – Te Puke Otara Hall, Mall-Prophet Elijah

Monday, 27 February 2003 at 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm -Takapuna War Memorial Hall, North Shore -Prophet Elijah. Healing and Prophesy.

Saturday, 18 March 2023 at 3.30 pm

Saturday, 1 April 2023 at 3.30 pm Samuel Salter from Invercargill and Prophet Elijah Fingila speaking at McDees

Month of May is a Break due to Birthdays, Out of Ak Events.

Saturday, 3 June 2023 at 4.00 pm Prophet Len Butner at Greenlane McDees.

Gatherings July 2023 – March 2024 are listed elsewhere in this website. Overseas journeys were in October, November, December. January and February 2024 were holiday periods. March 2024 were journeys to Christchurch and Tauranga.

Released by J.A.Jurisich, Senior Leader/Founder of Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) Ministry, Ak, NZ.

(Contact:Jeana: floralgem15@gmail.com   Home Church: Grace Global, Ohinerau Rd, Remuera Business Club.)

How Great Thou Art – Whakaria Mai:

Listen to powerful singer Sir Howard Morrison, singing “How Great Thou Art” or “Whakaria Mai” in Maori language. God is undeniably omnipotent, omniscience or omnipresent. He is a loving Father. God never dies, never lies, never fails, never stops loving.

Revelatory Truths Come From Above – Heaven’s Throne:

God’s powerful and precious gift – the Gift of Prophecy is the gift that launched Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) Ministry. South African Prophet, Len Butner released a special word of prophecy that catalytically “called” the ministry into existence. The (late) Auckland Prophet Wayne Thomas accurately prophesied growth and God’s favor. World renowned Apostolic Prophet Chuck Pierce, Texas USA, publicly endorsed a apostolic prophetic mantle. Revivalist, Heidi Baker released a specific word of assurance  at Liberty Church,  Blockhouse Bay, Auckland. Recently Prophet’s Bijoy and Jeremy Witherow accurately released words of providence and provision of the ministry’s life span and current vocation. God receive’s all glory and praise.

Prophecy is a gift that allows divine communication from God Almighty, to you through an intermediary prophetic individual. God speaks to Prophets and Prophetesses. The presence of God is real.

This website is to inform novices, the experienced in prophetic, cynics, and unbelievers to learn the keys of hearing God’s voice.

A Prophet or Prophetess is known as a “Man Of God” or a “Woman of God” who speaks from the Office of a Prophet. God appoints and anoints these prophets’ through Apostles.

What Prophet’s and Prophetesses say, carry much weight and authority, an undeniable and unquenchable office. An unmatched anointing of authority is felt from a person of this Office. Jezebel (male or female) manipulating, power lust, controlling people fervently, dislike God’s Prophets.

Song – “You Say”

American Lauren Daigle’s song “You Say”is about her inner struggle and despair, whenever God says something positive to her during dark times she needed to believe Him. A powerful melody and message  that applies to all of us at some time of our lives.

The Holy Bible is the main source of reference for this ministry and is opened each time we meet. Did you know the Holy Bible remains the best-selling book of all time?

It is recorded in the Guinness Book that 5 billion bibles were printed on 24 January 2020 – the highest number of a printed book in the world.

Highly Recommended Reading Resources:

It is healthy to read other books behind the bible, biographies, theological resources to expand understanding in life. Obtain a copy of the following books, “Understanding Prophetic People” by R. Loren Sanford (endorsed by the late John Paul Jackson); “Approaching the Heart of Prophecy” by Graham Cook; the “Prophet’s Dictionary” by Paula A. Price (Ph D). On evangelism read, revivalist “Finney’s Life and Lectures” by W.H. Harding; “The Biography of Smith’s Wigglesworth,” by Smith’s Wigglesworth and “Modern-Day Missionary” by Matthew Needham; The Jezebel Spirit, by Francis Frangipane (Unmasking the Enemies of the Church); The Many Faces of Deception by Florence Bulle.

I highly recommend this last book. Knowledge and understanding in the area of deception will prevent heartache and tragedy. The dark spiritual side distracts God’s missions and purposes. The gifts of discerning of spirits, spirit of wisdom and spirit of miracles, are helpful as Holy Spirit gives to the individual who is operating strongly in the prophetic. Undergirding every ministry should be a strong presence in the individual of faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Ask God that you may grow stronger in developing maturity with all gifting’s you have, to bless the church, the needy, the desperate heart.

Prophetic people are described as eccentric, private, intimidating, anti-social (not to be mistaken for sociopathic), serious minded, deeply sensitive, seekers of justice and righteousness. God’s love for His Prophet’s is unshakeable. They are ordinary people. Give them no special treatment. No adulation.

God has hidden them over the years; from imminent danger or from certain death. Not all survived as you read historical accounts. Solitary, anointed and favoured by God with specified expectations of morality and duty to meet. Every true prophet or prophetess loves God first, Jesus Christ, the Bible and mankind. Question an unloving, egotistical “prophetic” person. It is highly likely, they are false, fake and not to be believed.

A Life of Perseverance and Integrity 

Biblical stories depiction of early church prophets and prophetesses are gruesome and harsh. Remember Jezebel, the Queen of Judah and wife to submissive King Ahab, she ordered God’s prophets to be killed. Prophet Elijah hid in a cave after slaying Jezebel’s prophets depressed and frightened. She represents lust for power and pagan worship, denying the Sovereign God and worshipping pagan god’s in place of the God of Israel. She was destroyed by God’s servant.

Nothing has changed as modern nation’s worldwide are ruled by tyrannical Jezebel men and women. God allowed their election. God allows many events we may think are not of Him. Pray and trust His judgment.

The benefits for everyone who is searching for God’s divine guidance are to submit, listen and obey Him when He speaks to you, through this gift. His timing to help you is unfaltering, perfected in love. Jeremiah 29 verse 11 for your weary searching heart. 

A Missionaries Calling:

Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) ministry is also evangelically focused. The ministry have travelled in groups of 5-10 all over Aotearoa, New Zealand in both the North and South Island and overseas. The ministry extends a friendly hand to the lost, finance (koha), the destitute, loveless and desperate souls befriended by regular attendees. A balance of grace, mercy, love and the warm sense of family consistently draw people.

History relates that Aotearoa, New Zealand sent the most missionaries around the globe, more than any other nation. We were universally down as a Christian nation. Sadly the image is changed. Missionaries evangelised nations such as India, China, Africa, Papua New Guinea, Cambodia, the Pacific nations, Singapore, Thailand, Myamma (Burma).

The (late) Pastor David Brett – the Gift to the East

A tribute is given by me about(the late), Pastor David Brett of the A/G Mission Bay Christian Centre, Auckland (2002-2006) who for two decades was dedicated to evangelising China since the early 1980’s – until his untimely death. He led teams to deliver thousands of bibles to remote villages in Mainland China.

He was my pastor.  A genuine missionary, eclectic and original. Sold out to God.

Despite long hours and weeks away from home, he safely returned, only to plan his next overseas adventure. He was a loyal evangelical soldier. Many Christians, including myself, had the privilege to accompany Pastor Brett to Beijing, Mongolia and Mainland China, and the Great Wall of China.We met renowned Chinese leader Juan Lamb, an underground church leader.

Pastor Brett would rip a page out of his favourite book (or the Holy Bible) and give a page to strangers. Pastor Brett led many, many souls to Jesus. Christ. A truly beautiful, humble, kind -hearted man. He will never to be forgotten by many Chinese missionaries and believers.

Pastor Brett married David Wilkerson’s secretary, Darlene. David Wilkerson wrote  the world renowned best seller “The Cross and the Switchblade.” They lived in Tauranga.

Evangelism Pleases God:

Proverbs 11 verse 30 – “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth souls is wise.”

The hunger and desire to share the gospel on the coal-face by evangelising “the highways and by-ways” is of more urgency now more than ever before. We are on the brink of the End-Time. Pastor Brett’s evangelical influence on many youth and myself, impacted us so much.

As a result I combine both the Prophetic and Evangelism ministry’s as my combo model.

Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) ministry have been on several missions from Cape Reinga to the Bluff, Australia, Europe and the Pacific Islands. A Public Address (PA) system with cordless microphones and individual testimonies are given by the team. Basic scriptures Matthew 24 verse 14, John 3 verse 16, Romans 3 verse 23 speak of the Gospel message.

Proposed trips until 2023 are Waihi, Karangahake Gorge, Whitianga, Opotiki, Gisborne (East Coast), Rotorua, Kawerau, Taupo, New Plymouth,  South Taranaki, Wanganui, Queenstown, Invercargill and a return trip to Ahipara, Kaitaia, Russell (the Far North) are planned.

Israel, Canada and Washington DC, USA are left. Time is running out as the impending return of Our Saviour.

Visitors are Warmly Welcome:

Whether you are Christian or not, from another church, the doors to our gatherings are open to you. Since the first gathering, people have visited from all over Auckland, from other towns, cities and countries as far away as Australia, Tasmania, the Middle East, Papua New Guinea, Africa, the Pacific Islands, Afghanistan, Syria, South Africa, United Kingdom, Israel, Germany, Thailand, Finland, Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

All expenses for ministry trips are paid for by generous “koha” (gifted) donations and from savings and personal sacrifice. Those who travel also pay proportionately equal expenses depending on team numbers. The ministry has to this day, never had overheads as financial lending from agencies for ministry commitments are discouraged. No burden is placed on the hosts.  Apostle Paul lived by this model. No government funding is sought.

Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) Ministry is not a business, or a ministry seeking material gain or recognition.

Particular gratitude is given to Kathy G, Faith-Joy and Yense, Michael, Nick, Mel, Moses and Nmala, Jason and Sunilla, Christine O, Yvonne, Carolyn P, Francis B, Angela and Jose, Bessie, Joice, Jacki, Toni, Samuel, Louis and Joey, Linda, Mel, Marama, Lorraine A, Abby, John W, neice Sharon, grand-moko Snowy, Man and Ike (brothers),  Peter B, Jeremy, Annie S, Kaiwai, Rose and Darren, Leanna, Mii, Hliengwie, Jules, Roslynn, Julie and Warren, Ritchie L, Mike S, Stew and Sonya, Marie and Ben, Yakov and Julia, Shimshon and Heather, Angel, the late Grace Winther and John, Mary, the Sth Taranaki community, Annie W, Clive, Kahurangi and Pilgrims group in Takaka ( Nelson) for all your support in many ways.

Many, many names are left out, you know who you are.

Widows Co-Foundation Members:

New Zealand widows, widowers, poor and rich and leaders, have hosted and interceded for Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) ministry in this nation and overseas. We are forever grateful for the kindness shown to ensure events, meetings, conferences take place. Kathy Gunby, is one special widow who prayed many, many years for the success of this ministry and salvation of many lives. She is a resident at an Auckland rest home.  A singing intercessory prophetess os what she is well known for. Christine O is sincerely appreciated. No words can describe this intercessors value. A gem, gold and a pearl of delight and a formidable prayer warrior.

The Trumpet and Eagle:

The imagery of a prophetic person is that of a Trumpeter, or an Eagle is a Christian who warns ahead of calamity or End Time events, like now. They sound an alarm, a warning, a loud voice declaring an event, proclaiming a declaration, activating a catalytic series of events.

They see from incredible heights whilst soaring up and down in the spirit. Imagine an eagle soaring over various terrains, ducking and cleverly diving, in and out, swooping close to cliff edges, high and low, smarting the skies above and valleys strategically, below.

The eagle is completely liberated, born to fly over every circumstance. Born to conquer every storm. Never beaten. Eagles thrive in storms. No prophetic person should ever live a life where they are restricted from expressing this gift. God’s Generals. They kill snakes by dropping them from great heights – the Sorcerer.

What Prophetic Type are you?  

For women are you an Abigail, Deborah, Sarah, Hannah, Miriam, Mary, Esther for women? Or are you  like Ezekiel, Moses, David, Samuel, Nathan, Solomon, Nehemiah, Elijah, Paul, Hosea, Jonah, John, Joseph, Isaiah, Joshua for the men? Study them and ask a friend to select an old time prophetic figure you suit. Is your style like that of a jack hammer, a hard-hitter, gentle as a lamb, revelatory and a picture painter, poetic, musically inclined, a judge and direct, or a big picture apostle mix?

Above all, Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) ministry is about partnering with God and advancing His Kingdom on earth. In the last days. Who will be left standing? Who will deny Christ? Who will sell their soul for a morsel? Who will receive the Mark 666? Be alert. Many will be deceived. Do not let it be you.

The Adversary:

Christians battle daily as warring soldiers. Prophet’s moreso. There is an adversary fighting against every good thing to destroy the existence of every born again believer. That adversary is God’s primary enemy, Satan. Satan means “opposition of God” a divisive, evil, wicked entity who rules the second heaven, the Prince of the Air. Satan’s objectives are to cause chaos, steal hope, kill innocent lives.

Count the High Cost:

There is a high price to weigh up when embarking on the realms of the prophetic. Sit down and count the cost as to whether you will be fully committed to giving up your own dreams and aspirations, to follow Jesus Christ. There  is a cost. Being prophetic is not being weird or different. It carries with it unsightly risks. You lose friends, properties, employment, good reputation, finance, family, the joys of living a normal life.  Persecution and pain of every realm increases.

Prophets or Prophetesses suffer much however do not pity them. Do not idolise them either. Pray for them. You must be led to the Rock of Jesus Christ when your heart is overwhelmed. His Rock is higher than any human. Sovereign is He. The Prophetic gift should not be confined exclusively within church walls. Jesus Christ used it moreso outside the confines walls. The Good News Gospel says, God gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to bear the penalty for all of our sins. Why? So God can have a relationship with us through His Son. God hates sin. He is Holy. He is a Spirit.

Salvation Proclamation:

“Jesus Christ, I am a sinner. I ask you to forgive me for my wrongdoing. I ask you to remove the penalty of death from me and know Your Precious Blood blots out all of my sins whenever I repent. Help me everyday to be a strong Christian and serve the poor, widows, weak and sick. Thank you. Amen.”

God will direct your path for the rest of your life through twists and turns.(Johns 3 verse 16 KJV) “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

Focusing on Prophecy:

Where do prophetic insights originate from? In Revelation 19 v 10 (KJV) it says “the testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy.” Whenever you express an experience of His goodness, it is a prophetic act. Whenever we worship, praise, give and receive prophecy, it is everything that Jesus Christ life prepares and provides for us.

Prophecy should give us a sense that Jesus Christ is in the center of the message. Jesus Christ, with Holy Spirit is inspiring and shares the heart-beat and words that come directly from God, the Father. Prophecy is heard when you open your mouth wide and say what you hear God the Father says to you.

True prophecy never puffs up or flatters. It never attacks or cuts. It will warn, correct and exhort. Read Romans 3 v 23 Prophecy is given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. True Prophets, Prophetesses and the prophetically inclined, are always led by the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, having led and continues to lead millions of Christians. Prophecy has clarified decisions for millions of people about the way to live, where to live, how long you will live and where not to live. Like a butterfly, Prophesies, come and go. God’s Word, remains.

The Genesis of the New Zealand Prophetic Movement:

Before the 20th Century, in a small West Coast Taranaki town called Waitara, a remarkable eccentric Canadian preacher, Aimee Semple-McPherson, made an impact in the local Waitara Methodist Church community.  She had already preached to 100’s and 1000’s of people all over the world. She changed the way sermons were preached by women. Aimee Semple-McPherson was the first evangelical women to preach behind a pulpit, ever. The pulpit was open only for men. Famous figure and actress, Marilyn Monroe became a Christian at the Dream Centre in Los Angeles, USA years ago, where Aimee Semple-McPherson once worked.

Taranaki – the Humble Prophetic Belt:

Between 1950-1964, a move of God extended along the South Taranaki western coastline, in a town called Hawera (means “breath of fire of the burnt place”). Famous American Evangelist Billy Graham, was radio broadcast during a local open air crusade in the Hawera town hall for up to a week. Long time Foundation Member of Heaven on Earth Prophetic Ministry, Kathy G. attended Billy Graham’s first New Zealand’s  broadcast as a teenager at the time. She recalls accepting an invitation by a close friend Francine.

“Under that Mountain”- Parihaka Pa, South Taranaki:

You need to read what happened in the early days of this nations history. Yes, history describes two Taranaki Maori Prophets, Te Whiti O Rongomai and Tohu Kakahi led Parihaka Settlement in a peaceful non-resistance protest on 5 November 1881, against 1600 armed constabulary troops who were ordered by Native Minister J. Bryce to arrest and imprison (without a trial), the two leaders, fellow Maori occupants and owners of the land. Exactly 41 years after the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.

Young Maori children and all adults sang peacefully when troops attacked and kidnapped adult Maori men from Parihaka Pa.

Large numbers of Maori men were taken by ship to uninhabited South Island coastal locations such as Greymouth and Dunedin.

The men never saw their families ever again. They were chained to cave floors, scratching the roofs and perished mercilessly as a direct result of unforgiving high tides and they drowned. Visit these caves today and you will witness the marks of pain on cave walls.

(Romans 8 v 28 KJV) “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

Two hundred years later, peace and still quietness reign among the descendants of the Taranaki farming coastline. As we know forty years constitute a generation. The biblical  number (40) “forty” means “fiery trial and tribulation while on probation.’ Knowing about our history and landmarks helps us appreciate current and future aspirations as there are usually tribulation, prior to great spiritual moves of God.

Both Maori Prophets were kind, humble men who loved God with all their hearts. Their legacy of peace continues to live on at Parihaka Pa, Pungarehu, along the Taranaki coastline, through to this, the 21st Century. Taranaki has a rich heritage for birthing Prophets, Prophetesses and Worship leaders who have made a profound impact in Christendom throughout this century.

Receive a Prophet, you receive a Prophet’s reward. Harm a Prophet you face God’s wrath at your own peril:

Ignore a Prophet’s guidance, you will live to regret it. Mockers, hecklers, the critical, agnostic, atheist, slanderer, need Gods’s love more than they would ever admit. Anti-Christ, Jezebel and Death and Hell strong holds in people prevent them from opening up to the spirit of God straight away. Love never fails.

Speaking Vessels Prophets and Prophetesses:

God has throughout the centuries used animals to speak through (a donkey), the earth, the weather, signs and wonders or circumstances to express His brilliance and rage. Significantly, God will convey messages of warning or of hope (Nahum 1 v 4-8). God is forever loving, forever faithful, forever calling and drawing the lost. He desires that no one perishes in the Fires and Pit of Hell.

Children – Little Prophet’s:

Heaven on Earth (Prophetic) Ministry honor children. *Suffer not the children to come to” Jesus Christ for help. Biblical references document how children ruled and reigned as Kings and Queens, graced with inherently rich wisdom beyond their natural years. They heard and spoke to God in their innocent years from the time of conception.

Every prophet child was and is divinely named and angelically protected from the cradle. Encourage children to prophesy in our nation. Encourage them to share what they see through their innocent eyes. Be prepared to be shocked out of your boots. Children have no hidden agenda, no barriers, no filters to deceive or even know what deception is. Haere mai tamariki ma. Karanga mai kia koe.

A Prophet and Prophetess Is Confirmed:

Jesus of Nazareth and John the Baptist were first cousin’s. Both mother’s were biological sister’s, Mary and Elizabeth. With every new move in the spiritual context of Christendom, a Trumpeter an Apostle, announces the True Prophet. Look at young Samuel. He audibly heard God, the Father’s Voice. God called him four times. Has he been calling you? Samuel obeyed God, responded verbally and followed His Voice.

Children quickly understand what God’s saying. and act without reservation or delay. Samuel was one Prophet whose words never fell to the ground. He was a formidable prophet. No prophet matched only Jesus Christ surpassed his reputation, close by Moses and Elijah.

A revelatory result of the deep crying to deep is demonstrated when Hannah’s desire to have a child was painfully requested to a point she was numbed to paralysis. She was heard by errant priest Eli, loud and clear by God moreso. A prophetic miracle happened  A child was given to her. She promised to give back to God the child for His Service and Glory. Persistence and speaking things into being is a spiritual phenomenon. This action worked for earnest, passionate and barren Hannah. Why not for you?

Try it out for yourself. Learn to sit quietly, meditate and hear God’s voice. Silence the noise around you.

Jesus Christ, the Son, the Prophet, the King, the Saviour:

Youthful, serene Jesus, was found at the age of 12 years in the Temple by his earthly parents “going about His (Spiritual) Father’s business” where he was listening to his Father’s teachings. Number 12 is symbolic of the Prophetic Realm Revealed and activated. Joseph was the 12th child of Jacob (his name was changed to Israel). Twelve (12) is a governmental number. The power of divine providence and a person’s spiritual calling can never be underestimated.

Prophetic Leaders are Accountable: Who is your Armor bearer? Your spiritual confidante? Your Aaron? Your Jonathan? Your Mary? Your John? Prophet’s need to be  safe and travel safe. Are you trustworthy, transparent, honest, faithful, generous of spirit. A pre-warning to all in prophetic ministries.

If you are not married, you need a witness, an armor-bearer of the same gender when travelling until such a time that you marry. Examples are David, Jonathan; Mary, Elizabeth; Moses, Aaron; Jesus, John; Martha, Mary.

Attend a loving, well-functioning, God-fearing, Holy Spirit filled church. Have fun finding this church. Steer away from bullying churches, oppressive and religious in nature. Order and discipline is priority for any church or gathering however controlling and the overbearing is no good way to grow freely.

Promises are to the Called and Faithful:

Father Abraham, was the forerunner Father of Faith; the forerunner Father of all Father’s; the forerunner Father of Blessings and Promises.

“The blessing of the Lord makes us rich and adds no sorrow to it.” (Proverbs 10 vs 22 KJV ):

This Promise is for you. God’s prophesy spoke into being, the promised child born to Father Abraham and Mother Sarah. Sarah was old aged, barren, much loved by him. Father Abraham’s Seed is the true incorruptible seed. This is the revelation. You see true Prophet’s and true Prophetesses originate from an Incorruptible Seed. They would never lie or resort to bullying tactics to affirm their identity. They hate lies, counterfeit and demon entities.

“You have been born not from the perishable but from the imperishable seed through the Living and abiding Word of God.” (1 Peter 1 verse 23) :

You cannot give prophesy, without the leading of the peaceful serenity of Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit only speaks truth and of things to come. The vessel, the temple (you), is where the Holy Spirit inhabits – forever. God chooses to speak to, and through a church based on sound orderly governance, that is submitted to His Voice.

1 Corinthians 12 verse (v27) NKJV it says “Now you are the Body of Christ, and members individually (v28) And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of hearings, helps, administration, varieties of tongues.”

True Prophetic leaders are mindful of spiritual, biblical and legal protocols operating within this gifting. Spiritual safety and protection allows for maximum benefits to the Body of Christ. Pastors as we know, jealously care for the flock while evangelists reach out to the sea of countless lost souls to harvest before the End Time curtain falls. Both Pastor and Evangelist complete the five-fold ministry within a contemporary church structure. God will always operate through orderliness, not chaos. He orders chaos.

No other god, but God.

A Gold Dust Glory Realm Experience:

“Glory Realm” experiences swept throughout this country inside and outside church walls (2004-2009) with ministries moving in areas of prophetic manifestations.

Gold dust fell during a meeting for an hour descending from the ceiling. Prophetic proclamations call into being “things that are not, as if they are. Read about Prophet Elijah and Prophet Ezekiel as their lives are a true demonstration of the Power of God and His Word at in the realm of glory. The Kingdom of God is not just in Word, but it is (also) in Power. It is the Spirit of God, the sacred Holy Spirit, that all things are sanctified and blessed by. All Glory is His.

Only follow prophets and prophetesses who release prophetic words that come to pass and who have good sound gentle spiritual character traits.

Do not Throw Hatchets at the Moon:

American, Prophetic Visionary, the late, John Paul Jackson’s book “Throwing Hatchets at the Moon” informs the reader concerning the pitfalls met by those who delve in spiritual realms reserved for authorized sinister, evil beings. Do not demand “other entities to obey wee little you.” You will get hurt. Dreams, interpretations and godly guidance feature in Mr Jackson’s broad ministry and several anointed books penned by him.

Another godly man and prophetic musical personality, the late American Prophet Kim Clements, was a devoted Christian man ahead of his time also. Before his untimely death, Kim Clements prophesied “Donald John Trump” would be the new divinely appointed President of the United States.” Accurate. A true prophet.

True fruit of God’s Chosen Prophet and Prophetess:

True prophetic will always point to Jesus Christ and God the Father. Steer away from calamity, the weird, the dark, perverse and spiritual wickedness.

Test and try the spirit in the speaker. Are they safe? Is what they are saying lining up with the Holy Bible? Lining up with their own life. Is it healing? Is it fresh, uplifting, restoring and uniting people. Or is ti scattering them? Is the speaker honouring of others of the women and children, of the elderly?

Are they self-centred, aggressive, profane, superficial in content, critical of leaders or the Church?

Prophetic is the Word of God. The Word of God is Prophetic. God is Love and He always undergirds and surrounds every prophetic word and ministry with His Love. Love is key.

Shalom,  Shalom, Shalom

(This page is dedicated to avid writer, Prophetess Rosemary Tooton and Intercessor, Prayer Warrior and Prophetic leader, Grace Winther).